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Writer's pictureSean Lazo

How To Prioritize Your UI Bug Fixes

You've completed a thorough design QA for a feature implementation. You've compiled a list of defects with fixes and scoping efforts. You now need to prioritize what can be achieved in a sprint. How do you prioritize your fixes? What are your considerations and rules to stack rank them?

To prioritize your fixes, evaluate against criteria. Measuring the product impact and outcome will help determine the severity.

P0: Functional blocker

Prevents the user from completing a task. There will be repercussions to your product's KPIs, retention, and acquisition, resulting in user abandonment. You must fix this now.

  • Slow performance and latency

  • Roadblocks and dead ends in your user flows

  • Unusable and confusing micro-interactions

  • No or slow data fetching

  • Missed error handling and edge cases

P0: Usability issue

Creates confusion and frustration. Requires the user more their time, effort, and cognitive load to complete a task. The UI needs to be optimized now.

  • Too many steps to complete a task

  • Poor navigation and organization of features

  • Poor readability and visual design

  • Inconsistency in patterns

  • Critically missing system feedback or affordance

P1: Visual improvement

Cosmetic flaws, inconsistencies, or missing affordances. Experience may result in minor usability issues. The scope and fix may be quick for the development team. Fix these when all P0's have been completed and there is time in the sprint.

  • Inconsistent style of icons, buttons, text, etc

  • Missing button states

  • Inconsistent and lack of grid, layout, and alignment

  • Inconsistent spacing and positioning

  • Slow, lacking, or disruptive animation

P1: ADA compliance

System does not meet accessibility standards or requirements. Although this may only impact a small percentage of users, it will still be critical to product success. Legal factors may apply, and you may be required to fulfill these.

  • Text legibility and size

  • Color contrast ratio

  • Alternative text for images and links

  • Keyboard interactions and navigation

  • Assistive tech or screen reader support

P2: Content update

Messaging is lacking, confusing, or misleading. Requires copy improvements only and no functional impacts to the system. No heavyset code changes, just a string change for the developer. Fix these when you have time in the sprint.

  • Button and link labels

  • Dialogs and notifications

  • Error handling

  • Descriptions

  • Tool tips


  • Set priority based on severity of impacts and outcomes to your product

  • Collaborate with your pod product managers, project managers, and developers to balance number of fixes per sprint relative to the scope and priority

  • Phase fixes into MVP versions and enhance through multiple sprints

  • Create tickets to track fixes and append all design artifacts and communications


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